How to fix the OOBE error that may occur during Windows 10 install.
OOBE stands for “Out Of Box Experience” which is a type of install designed to make things easy when a customer switches on their brand new computer.
The following instructions apply if you are installing a fresh copy of Windows 10 on an older computer and run into this error.
(If you receive the OOBE error on a brand new computer, consider switching off and returning it to the vendor).
When you are on the screen that displays the OOBEKEYBORD error, press Shift + F10 to open the command prompt.
2. Type the following command lines, followed by Enter after each one. Changing user_name & password to your own.
net user Administrator /active:yes
net user /add user_name password
net localgroup administrators user_name /add (skip if new Windows 10 install)
cd %windir%\system32\oobe
3. Shutdown the computer & switch back on.
On entering the command to run msoobe.exe the message “Just A Moment” may hang on the screen. Force shutdown (press & hold power button) and start back up.
4. Once Windows Loads, Sign out of Administrator
Log out of the Administrator account and sign in to your own newly created local account.
5. Mark Administrator To Active:No
Once signed in to your own account, open command prompt as Admin and enter the following command:
net user Administrator /active:no
Go in and select the correct region, enter your network details and begin manually running Windows Updates.
What we have done is open up the (normally inactive) Administrator account to be able to manually add user details and progress with signing in.
It is strongly advised completing the above Step 5 and marking the Administrator account as inactive once you have gained access. You may need this account intact at a later date, or your tech support people may need this left alone to carry out future repairs.