Why is my laptop plugged in and not charging

Sometimes you’re getting a error “plugged in, not charging” message from your laptop battery. The error ‘plugged in not charging’ can be caused due to various reasons such as faulty adapter or faulty charging board. The cause for this error may be power management software that become corrupt.
In some cases the “Plugged in, not charging” message is a normal message in some versions of Windows running on most laptops and netbooks. If your laptop indicates 99% available (plugged in, not charging). All it means is that the battery is full or close enough to it and that the computer is running on AC power. Just unplug the AC power from your laptop and allow your laptop battery to discharge to 5% or 10% remaining charge and then plug in the AC Battery and allow the battery to charge fully again.
If your laptop battery still not charging, then follow the next steps for a possible resolution:
- Power Off your laptop
- Unplug the AC power cord from your laptop
- If possible, remove your laptop battery
- With laptop battery removed, hold the power button for 20 seconds
- Install the laptop battery back inside your laptop
- Power On your laptop
- Allow the laptop to power on all the way
- Verify that your battery is recognized
- Plug in the AC power cord and see if the battery is now charging
If your laptop is still indicating the same “not charging” message, please drop off your laptop at PC Expert Services Irvine drop off location by submitting the online drop off form.
After PC Expert Services recives your lapotp, we will provide a FREE Repair Estimate for your laptop not charging issue.